Holy smokes! I have been so busy... (aren't we all?) that I would have missed my boat!
I am going on a scrapbooking cruise this week. I thought I was leaving on Sunday, but the reality is that I leave on Saturday. Oh. my. word.
I leave in a few days. I have nothing packed, nothing planned. I do have my passport & my auntie lined up to watch my children in my absence!
Well, my Open House went really well! It was obvious (to me, anyway) that my guests had an awesome time! I made some really cool checkbook covers for the first five people who RSVP'd & they were a hit! Some of those that didn't RSVP (or RSVP'd later) really wanted one for themselves. I admit, I want one for myself. LOL When I get a spare second, I'm going to go ahead & make myself a couple.
I had designed this cute Create & Take.
It seemed to be a hit. It was really cool to be teaching a simple project like that everyone could do. It was also fascinating to give a set of instructions to a dozen people & you'll get 10 perfectly legitimate interpretations of said instructions. THAT is very cool. I'm learning that teaching is just as much learning as it is teaching. How friggin' Yoda was that?! It was either Yoda or Jessica Simpson.
I wanted to have this acrylic album done [Photo], as well as this cute circle mini album [Photo], but it was one of the few things that didn't get done. I did get a couple of cute pages into a new album. [Photo] [Photo] [Photo][Photo]
My party was so much fun that I wish I could be a hostess more often. Whoever said that it is always more fun
to go to a party than
have a party obviously never had a scrappin' party.
I took not one single picture of anything... but, my guests had fun!
I'm going to gloss right over that it's been nearly three weeks since I've blogged. :)